About me


Petr Kopecký


I have been working as a graphic designer for over 20 years. With vast and long experience in this field, my interest in artistic skills led me to painting. First in a digital environment and later to classical painting techniques. 

I then furthered my expertize by completing several advance courses for painting. I enjoy trying out new styles, techniques, and methods of expressionI do not feel bound by any conventions, which gives me complete freedom and exhilaration of the work itself. 

I am very interested in the expressive aspect of painting using strong colours along with the structural composition. 

I like to work with acrylic paints, especially in combination with spatulas and oil pastels, which give the paintings the necessary dynamics. My favourite is free abstract creation (acrylic ,oil, mixed media), but I am also enthusiastic for classic oil painting which has unmistakable atmosphere and depth. I convert some of the procedures and results of my work back into digital form where I create artistic layered compositions and artistic collages on various topics.


I occasionally organize exhibitions in the Czech Republic and abroad. My paintings have been sold to America and other European countries

Several permanent exhibitions can be found in Prague:

Passage of Czech design – Na Příkopě 860, Praha 1

ALPI Collection – showroom of design furniture, Nekázanka 882/7, Praha 1

Palác Koruna – Václavské nám. 1, Praha 1

Alza.cz – offices of the executive management of Alza (by appointment).

Possibly by appointment in my studio:)


In addition, I am also involved in graphic design under my own brand Amadeus, where I offer my clients more than 20 years of experience in creating printed materials, logos, visual identity and websites. I am also intensively involved in 3D architectural visualizations under the brand AMADEUS VISUAL.

If you are interested, please, contact me.

The painting is worth a thousand words

Každý obraz má svoji nezaměnitelnou energii a sílu a každého diváka osloví jinak. V tom je krása a síla abstrakce, která nemá žádné limity ani omezení.

Obrazy je možné si prohlédnout například v Pasáži českého designu v Praze na Příkopech, kde mám stálou expozici, případně po osobní domluvě také u mě v ateliéru.

Pokud máte zájem o jakýkoliv obraz či autorskou reprodukci, kontaktujte mě. Bude mi velkým potěšením, když Vám bude obraz přinášet každodenní radost.

Petr Kopecký obrazy

Abstraktní malba
